Do you feel like you are running in place?
Founder's Scramble with list of things founder focus on - Product development, Funding, fixing client delivery, Meeting with Clients, Putting out fires
As your company grows, you must shift from the Founder to the CEO. We know this shift is not easy!


As a founder, you most likely started your business out of a personal passion for the product or solution. You may really love the buzz of being a start up, the scrambling to make it happen, the impromptu customer calls and product iteration. This all fueled your initial growth, but it won’t take you to the next level.


You must set a solid foundation for growth, and to do that you must embrace the role of CEO
While the Start-up scramble can be invigorating, it is not an effective foundation for sustained growth.


If everybody is in the details, nobody is steering the ship! As the leader of your organization, you have to rise up to see the full field.


It is your job to create the vision, set the strategy and help the team prioritize goals and resources. Most importantly, your role is to build an effective and empowered team to execute that strategy.


The good news is that if done correctly, you keep the innovation, success and growth, and skip the all-nighters.
Growth Focused CEOS set a strong foundation for a company with clear vision, strategy, priorities, compelling brand and empowered teams.

Become the CEO that Your Company Needs You to Be

As part of our One on One Coaching Experience you will learn how to:

  • Create a shared vision, organizational goals, KPIs and tracking systems need to stay aligned and adjust as needed.

  • Define a compelling brand and bring it to life in a way that inspires your customers, partners and team.

  • Identify your Zone of Genius, build a team with complementary skills and strengths to accelerate growth.

  • Hire, train and develop a successful team

  • Set priorities while delegating and empowering your team.

  • Remove yourself as the bottleneck to product creation, delivery, marketing and sales.

  • Build systems and processes to smooth your path to growth, and create exceptional customer experiences.

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You may be asking yourself, who has time to build a team when I am doing all of these other things. 

The reality is that without a team, you will never be able to do it all. This is why companies without employees are far behind in sales when compared with those companies that have hired team members.

Without a team,  as the founder you will scramble to do ALL of the work.

Why just keep your head above water, when you could be fueling your company’s growth?

Graph showing that employer firms have greater sales than non-employer firms In fact, 10% of employer firms had 86% of the sales of women owned businesses in 2018 according to the SBA

Sign Up for 3 Month Program

Sign Up for 6 Month Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this program for? 

This program is best suited for founders who want to control their destiny and growth! You may be  aiming to reach $1 Million in annual revenue or have passed that mark, but realize that you have not set up the processes, systems or teams to help  you  reach $10 Million in Revenue and beyond.

How long is the program?

3-6 months. Our experience shows it takes time to put your learnings into action. So while you may not reach 7 figures in 3-6 months, you will have the foundations in place to work from and accelerate your growth. You can also sign up for more 1-1 coaching for longer term support and accountability. 

When does it start?

Now! Once you sign up our team will reach out to set up your first session.

Is this individual coaching or group coaching?

Individual coaching with access to group programming. As part of the program you will receive a 1-on-1 coaching session every week but you will also have access to weekly premium content.

These group sessions and allow you to meet other entrepreneurs and business leaders that you can learn from and connect with during and after the program. Last but not least, you will have access to our digital library of tools to reinforce key leadership principles, complete with worksheets to guide your team.

If I want to sign up for additional 1-on-1 Coaching is that possible? 

Yes. You can work with our team to purchase an additional bundle of coaching that can be used during the program or to keep working with us after the program is complete.

Can I pay over time?

We use Stripe for our payment processing, and they do partner with companies like Klarna to offer a payment plan vs a one-time payment.

What if I cannot make a group session?

We try to record all premium content group sessions for replay for group member only. 

What if I cannot make my 1-1 Sessions? 

Don’t worry! We understand things come up and you may want to alter your bi-weekly schedule. We can be flexible, so if you want to bundle a few sessions to help you prepare for a big presentation, let’s do it. We do ask for a few days notice to help our team accommodate your request, but we will do our best to make it work.  

Sign Up for 3 Month Program

Sign Up for 6 Month Program

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